Soil and Crop Fertility Experts,
Specializing in Sampling Programs
We strive to make top-notch soil sampling programs that businesses can provide to their grower customers, making their farming operations more profitable and efficient. With tighter margins, growers need to manage their resources wisely. We tailor our services to your specific needs.
We strive to make top-notch soil sampling programs that businesses can provide to their grower customers, making their farming operations more profitable and efficient. With tighter margins, growers need to manage their resources wisely. We tailor our services to your specific needs.

Customer Satisfaction

Highly Trained Technicians

Timely Service
Precision Ag Services in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois
Grid Soil Sampling
Because standard grid sampling has been around since the 90’s, it remains the most familiar method of soil sampling. It offers consistency in sample results to those growers who have utilized their previous GPS sample points over the years to return to the same locations for collection. We offer all grid sizes, including: 1, 2.5, 3.3, 4.4, 5, 10, and 20 acre grids.
Smart Grid Program
The Smart Grid soil sampling program provides increased accuracy by utilizing soil types or EC data to determine better placement of soil test sites within a field. By increasing soil test accuracy, we increase value.

Grid Size
Point placement is determined by grid size and soil types or Veris® EC data

All Soil Types
All soil types are represented in each field and so is each grid area

Accurate Samples
Decreases the chance of mixing different soils with varying properties

Increased Value
Increases the value of soil testing while using an industry recognized standard
Smart Zone Program
The Smart Zone Program provides an extremely intricate soil sampling method by collecting several cores from a small area that have the same soil properties and yield capability, making the soil samples as accurate as possible.

Zone Sizes
2 zone sizes offered (5-6 acre/zone average and 8-10 acre/zone average)

Many Data Layers
The Program utilizes many data layers to give you a true picture of your soil

Fast Previews
Customer may preview the zones before sampling is completed

Several GPS Points
Several GPS points are logged inside each zone for future sampling reference, representing the entire zone area
Nitrogen Management
Our approach to nitrogen management is utilizing actual, recent data versus deriving decisions based from modeling programs.

12 inch soil sample taken right ahead of side-dressing. Done on a grid basis (typically 4.4 or 10)

Core Collection
Cores are collected methodically on every sample to obtain consistency across the rows

Minimize Rain Events
Sampled about 5 days before expected side-dress application to minimize rain events between sampling and application time

End of Season
Samples are collected after corn is blacklayer. Test results indicate how much nitrogen was available to the plant
Veris EC Mapping
We utilize Veris® Technologies Soil EC mapping systems to identify soil zones. This one time investment is a powerful tool that can preface both our Smart Grid and Smart Zone programs for determining placement of more accurate soil samples.
Spring Soil Sampling
We strive to provide accurate and cost-effective soil sampling programs for our customers. Spring season soil sampling has been proven to show many advantages over fall sampling, providing a win-win situation for both supplier and grower.

Save Time
Time savings for grower and supplier-sample results received in the spring give a jump start on planning for fall fertilizer

More Consistent Samples
Samples are more consistent in spring because soil moisture tends to be present as opposed to a dry fall that can affect soil tests

Frozen Ground
No worry of sampling partially frozen ground in the late fall, or not being able to hand probe due to frozen soil

Recommended by Universities
Recommended by universities to allow crop residue to leach the nutrients back into the soil for more accurate results
RTK Boundary Mapping
We deliver RTK-level accuracy in the mapping of field boundaries and features. By using John Deere RTK Mobile cellular signal, we ensure high-accuracy GNSS positioning for +/- 1 inch repeatability year after year.
This precision takes on special significance for fields adorned with intricate waterways, terraces, and other internal features that demand meticulous mapping. Instantaneous uploading of fields to the My JohnDeere System streamlines accessibility and allows effortless sharing with your John Deere equipment. Alternatively, shapefiles can be exported for seamless integration into any GPS system.
What Our Customers Say About Us

We have been doing business with agronomic solutions since 2008. the relationship we have with agronomic solutions has come to be more of a partnership for us as they are a very important part of our daily operations and have allowed us to have the most current gps mapping along with vrt planting and fertilizer applications for our customers.
Brad Witthoft, Witthoft Farm Supply