Deveron and A & L Canada Launch Drone Driven Soil Sampling Solution for North American Agriculture

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 14, 2018                                 


TorontoandLondon,Ontario– Deveron UAS Corp. (CSE: DVR) (“Deveron” or the “Company”) and A & L Canada Laboratories Inc., (“A&L”) are pleased to announce a new product offering geared towards an innovative, cost-effective approach to sampling soil across North American farms.

The product offering will use high-resolution in-season imagery data collected by UAV (“Drone”) to drive and create site specific soil sampling points on farms. This collection method uses science, data and analytics to plan and target optimum soil sampling points across the 400 million acres of farmland in North America.

Market and Markets reports a growing agricultural testing market to be valued at over $6 billion USD globally by 2022, with soil testing on farmland dominating the category.

Farmers, ag retailers and consultants can use soil data to make data driven decisions around the use of fertilizer and inputs and where to maximize input efficiency on the land. Bundled drone data and soil sampling also provides a data collection option that is cost-effective and scalable when compared to traditional grid soil sampling methods. Clients will also be able to leverage the high-resolution imagery data as another important layer in their growing precision agriculture program and to augment measures to improve soil health.

Drone driven soil sampling is the first product launch between the alliance of A & L and Deveron announced September 12, 2018. Both companies are collaborating to develop several value- added imagery data and mapping products.

“We are thrilled to be bundling our high resolution imagery data with soil data,” commented Deveron’s President & CEO, David MacMillan. “A &L has revolutionized this new approach to soil sampling and we are excited about its potential to improve farm yields and data driven decision making on farms throughout North America in 2019.”

“A & L’s expertise and capabilities are an excellent match with Deveron’s data collection and analytic platforms,” commented Greg Patterson, CEO and Founder of A & L Canada. “I look forward to working with Deveron to bring the next wave of novel services and technologies to

our customers.”

To sign-up for and receive further information on this new product and enhance your agricultural soil sampling program, click here.

AboutA&LCanadaLaboratories:A & L is an innovative, research driven technology company focused on sustainable development. Through leading expertise, modern laboratory facilities and strong customer focus, A & L serves a wide range of industries including agriculture, environmental, food & pharma – globally.

In agriculture, A & L provides comprehensive analytical services for soil, plant tissue, feed, fertilizer and water. A & L’s services also include production recommendations, remote sensing and precision agriculture capabilities. A & L Biologicals Inc. focuses on research and development of biological compounds for use in agricultural production systems. The company operates two world-class analytical laboratories serving clients throughout Canada, the U.S. and internationally.

AboutDeveronUAS:Deveron is a leading drone data services company providing powerful data applications and analytics to the agricultural community. Drone data helps farmers reduce costs and increase both yields and profit using sophisticated Unmanned Aerial Systems (“UAS” or “drones”), sensors, software and analytics. Deveron’s drone imagery service network allows farmers in North America to obtain on-demand, actionable data so they can make timely production decisions with the use of ultra high-resolution data. The Company is focused on building a standardized network of pilots, drones and sensors to provide data to decision makers in the farming industry.

For more information and to join our community, please visit or reach us on Twitter @DeveronUAS:

David MacMillan President & CEO Deveron UAS Corp. 416-367-4571 ext. 221

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