Veritas and South West Agromart Launch Agriculture Data Sales Collaboration

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TorontoandChatham,Ontario– Deveron UAS Corp. (CSE: DVR) (“Deveron” or the “Company”) and agriculture retailer South West Agromart (“SouthWest”) – a member of the Agromart Company of Canada (“ACC”) – are excited to jointly announce a collaborative initiative between South West and Veritas Farm Business Management (“Veritas”) – a wholly owned subsidiary of Deveron. This joint initiative is a fresh approach to introducing value-added data solutions to farmers in south western Ontario, including precision farming applications.

This initiative will take the form of an AgData Solutions Specialist, employed by South West and working in unison with the South West sales and Veritas teams, introducing and delivering digital products that are part of the Veritas suite of offerings. These products are designed to create insights for farmers from various sources:  existing farm generated production data, high- resolution in-season imagery data collected by UAV (“Drone”), or soil data. Veritas uses science, data and analytics to uncover correlations and interactions between the land, weather and management practices, and then develops practical farm applications from these findings. Veritas ‘s work is based on five key principles: Simplicity, Tailored, Validation, Innovation and Collaborative.

Filling the role of AgData Specialist is a person familiar to South West and Veritas – Cameron Sullivan. Cam has 10 years of experience working in the ag retail industry, most recently with South West Ag Partners which recently transitioned to South West. In his new role, Cam, who also has his Certified Crop Advisor (“CCA”) Designation, will facilitate a close working relationship between Deveron UAS, Veritas and South West.

South West serves customers in 5 counties that are comprised of over 2 million acres of farmland with over 50 different soil types, on which more than 50 different crops are grown. With such variation and specialization, Agricultural Retailers like South West play an important role in advising producers on the proper and responsible use of fertilizers, seeds and crop protection products, many of which are subject to increasing regulation and public scrutiny. All three of these areas of recommendations can utilize the tools available through Veritas.

In making this joint announcement, principals from the three companies involved, shared their comments:

  • Aaron Breimer, Veritas’s General Manager: “We are excited to be able to work with South West in this unique approach to bringing increased value to the relationships they have with their current and future customers. South West has built a strong reputation on the importance of the relationships with their customers through a dedicated team of professional staff.”
  • David Page, General Manager of South West: “South West expertise is in meeting the

needs of our customers through quality products, excellent service and fair prices. This

collaboration with Veritas will be an excellent means for us to enhance that approach. Our team looks forward to working with Veritas to bring these novel services and technologies to our customers.”

  • David MacMillan, Deveron’s President and CEO: “We believe this new vision for agriculture data support will continue to help drive adoption of data services and empower retailers, like South West, to continue to grow their digital footprints. At the same time, Veritas can continue to develop scalable technology while leveraging the deep-rooted relationships that retailers have with their multi-generational customers.”

AboutSouthWestAgromart:South West is an innovative, forward-looking agriculture input retailer based in south western Ontario. On Nov. 21st, 2018, South West became part of the Agromart Company of Canada network of retailers which has its head office in Belton, Ontario.

AboutVeritasFarmBusinessManagement:Veritas is a leading agricultural data analytics company providing powerful insights to the agricultural industry. On August 28, 2018, Veritas was acquired by Deveron from South West Ag Partners. For more information and to join our community, please visit or reach us on Twitter @MyVeritas_HQ

AboutDeveronUAS:Deveron is a leading drone data services company providing powerful data applications and analytics to farmers in North America so they can make timely production decisions. The Company is focused on building a standardized network of pilots, drones and sensors to provide data to decision makers in the farming industry.

Aaron Breimer

GM, Veritas Farm Business Management 519-401-0264

Dave Page

GM, South West Agromart 519-360-0463

David MacMillan

President & CEO, Deveron UAS 416-367-4571 x221

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