Deveron Reports 2018 Year End and Fourth Quarter Financial Results

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 11, 2019                                 


Toronto,Ontario– Deveron UAS Corp. (CSE: DVR) (“Deveron” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has released its audited financial results for the full year and fourth quarter ended December 31, 2018.

“2018 was truly a transformational year for Deveron. Our focus has been to turn Deveron into an integrated agriculture technology company that focuses on two products: data acquisition and data analytics” said David MacMillan, President and CEO. “On the data acquisition side, we announced a strategic alignment with A&L Labs adding soil data to our already robust drone data line. On the analytics side, our completion of the acquisition of Veritas, adds industry leading data intelligence helping farmers get more out of their farmland. We believe a network of scalable on-farm data acquisition services coupled with proprietary data insights, will continue to bring value to growers in North America and drive our growth in the years ahead.”

Deveron’s acquisition and operational activity have led to continued growth for its leading data operations in Canada and the United States. The closing of the Veritas Farm Management acquisition positions the company to provide data analytics for farmers in Canada and the USA. As the acquisition was completed in Q4, 2018, the Company expects a positive increase in revenue in the quarters ahead.

The table below summarizes year-end and fourth quarter results:

Change % YoY


Change % Q/Q

Q4 2018

Q4 2017
Operating Income





  • Total current assets in 2018 increased to $3.4 million from $1.5 million in 2017

Subsequent Events:

On January 29, 2019, the Company announced a $3.8 million Multi-year Agreement with A&L Labs in which Deveron will administer, manage, and execute their soil sampling program. This agreement launches another data acquisition channel that is helping the agriculture industry digitize farming and bring analytics to the field level.

On March 11, 2019, the company announced that Microsoft awarded the AI for Earth Grant to help further Deveron’s efforts in artificial intelligence (“AI”) and making recommendations and predictions using agricultural data. “We are excited to be chosen by Microsoft to participate in this transformational opportunity” reported David Macmillan, President and CEO of Deveron.

About Deveron UAS: Deveron is a leading agriculture technology company focused on providing data acquisition services and data analytics to the farming sector in North America. Through its on-demand network of drone pilots and soil sampling technicians, the company is providing scalable data acquisition solutions in the imagery and soil space. Additionally, through its wholly owned subsidiary Veritas Farm Management, the company provides growers in North America with independent data analytics and insights on the massive amount of data being generated on farms today.

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David MacMillan President & CEO Deveron UAS Corp. 416-367-4571 ext. 221

Thisnewsreleaseincludescertain“forward-lookingstatements”withinthemeaningofthatphraseunderCanadiansecuritieslaws.Withoutlimitation,statementsregardingfutureplansandobjectivesoftheCompanyareforwardlookingstatementsthatinvolvevariousdegreesofrisk.Forward-lookingstatementsreflectmanagement’scurrentviewswithrespecttopossiblefutureeventsandconditionsand,bytheirnature,arebasedonmanagement’sbeliefsand assumptionsandsubjecttoknownandunknownrisksanduncertainties,bothgeneralandspecifictotheCompany.AlthoughtheCompanybelievestheexpectationsexpressedinsuchforward-lookingstatementsarereasonable,suchstatementsarenotguaranteesoffutureperformanceandactualresultsordevelopmentsmaydiffermateriallyfromthoseinourforward-lookingstatements.ThefollowingareimportantfactorsthatcouldcausetheCompany’sactualresultstodiffermateriallyfromthoseexpressedorimpliedbysuchforwardlookingstatements:changesintheworld-widepriceofagriculturalcommodities,generalmarketconditions,risksinherentinagriculture,theuncertaintyoffutureprofitabilityandtheuncertaintyofaccesstoadditionalcapital.Additionalinformationregardingthematerialfactorsandassumptionsthatwereappliedinmakingtheseforwardlookingstatementsaswellasthevariousrisksanduncertaintieswefacearedescribedingreaterdetailinthe“RiskFactors”sectionofourannualandinterimManagement’ TheCompanyundertakesnoobligationtoupdatethisforward-lookinginformationexceptas
