Deveron Offers Drone Based Data Solutions for Cereal and Canola Crops

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 7, 2019                                 


Toronto,Ontario– Deveron UAS Corp. (CSE: DVR) (“Deveron” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a partnership and distribution agreement with Airinov (“Airinov”) to provide North American growers with a solution for managing in-season crop nutrient applications.

The offering will use high-resolution in-season imagery collected by UAV (“Drone”) to drive nitrogen placement decisions in crops such as wheat, barley, oats and canola. Airinov, based in France, is a pioneer in drone-based digital agriculture solutions and has demonstrated the success of its algorithms to drive increased profits ranging from $42 to $61 per acre across multiple crops.

“We are excited to be offering our customers yet another product which provides easy turn-key solutions to add to their digital tool boxes” commented Deveron’s President & CEO, David MacMillan.  “The North American cereals and canola markets represent over 100 million acres. As precision agriculture begins to take hold across all crops, we see a tremendous growth opportunity for Deveron through this partnership”.

AboutAIRINOV:AIRINOV is a company born in 2010 from the meeting between two engineers specialized in robotics and telematics, and a son of farmers. Their complementarity has enabled AIRINOV to position itself naturally on the market of agricultural consulting and research and to become a pioneer in crop monitoring and drone testing. AIRINOV now offers products and services based on agronomic mapping to help both farmers and experimenters in their decision- making. AIRINOV benefits from the support of the leader in recreational drones, Parrot, which acquired a stake in 2014.

From the first collaborations with INRA in 2011, for the development of its multispectral sensor, AIRINOV has shown the relevance of the UAV for the monitoring of agricultural and experimental

plots. For more information, visit:

About Deveron UAS: Deveron is a leading agriculture technology company focused on providing data acquisition services and data analytics to the farming sector in North America. Through its on-demand network of drone pilots and soil sampling technicians, the company is providing scalable data acquisition solutions in the imagery and soil space. Additionally, through its wholly owned subsidiary Veritas Farm Management, the company provides growers in North America with independent data analytics and insights on the massive amount of data being generated on farms today.

For more information and to join our community, please visit or reach us on Twitter @DeveronUAS or @MyVeritas_HQ

David MacMillan President & CEO Deveron UAS Corp. 416-367-4571 ext. 221

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