FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 20, 2016
Toronto,Ontario– Deveron UAS Corp. (“Deveron” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that it has secured a new contract with South West AG Partners Inc., (“SouthWestAG”), a leading retail agri-business in southwestern Ontario, to provide on-demand drone data services.
“As Deveron continues to expand its footprint, we are excited to service South West Ag and its members,” commented Deveron’s President & CEO, David MacMillan. “As farms grow larger and decision making becomes more complex, Deveron’s drone data service provides an enterprise level solution for seamlessly incorporating drone data into large farming operations.”
Dave Page, Sales and Marketing Manager for South West AG explains that “South West AG values agronomy services that are both cost effective while providing high quality results. Our collaboration with Deveron provides this. Additionally, our relationship with Veritas Farm Management allows us to measure Return-On-Investment for customers of this 3-way collaboration. We are excited to offer our customers access to near real-time imagery at the field level, while making the process easy for them to use.”
Deveron’s drone data service network allows enterprise level customers to obtain on-demand, actionable data and eliminates technology and capital risks.
South West Ag is a leading supplier of crop input and grain marketing services to progressive farm and end-user customers in southwestern Ontario. With roots going back to 1947, South West Ag’s mission is to help our agri-food customers prosper.
Deveron is a full-service drone data services company providing farmers with the opportunity to increase yields and reduce costs through the use of sophisticated Unmanned Aerial Systems (“UAS” or “drones”), sensors, software and analytics. The service offering is targeted at farmers, agricultural retailers and independent agronomists using the most advanced drones
and sensors on the market today. The company provides a strong value proposition to farmers
through reduced costs and/or increased yields by optimizing input costs such as water, fertilizer and pesticides.
For more information and to join our community, please visit or contact:
David MacMillan
President & CEO Deveron UAS Corp. 416-367-4571 ext. 226
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