Deveron Provides Preliminary Results for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2023

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 7th, 2023                            


Toronto,Ontario– Deveron Corp. (TSX-V: FARM) (“Deveron”or the “Company”), a leading agriculture data company in North America, announces that it has changed it’s fiscal year end to June 30th, aligning more logically with the North American agriculture season.

In advance of completion of the audit, the Company is pleased to share its preliminary revenue and Non-IFRS adjusted EBITDA estimates for the quarter ending June 30th, 2023. Deveron is currently completing its 2023 audit for the 12 months ended June 30th, 2023. The Company cautions that certain adjustments are still being considered which could impact final reported results. The Company expects the audit to be completed in October.

Revenue for Q4 2023 is estimated on a preliminary basis to be a minimum of $8.8 million, an increase of approximately 70% compared to $5.2 million for the three months ended June 30th, 2022. This increase was driven by 41% organic growth from the Company’s US business, for the period.

Non-IFRS adjusted EBITDA for Q4 2023 is anticipated on a preliminary basis to be a minimum of $150,000 compared to a loss of $2 million for the three months ended June 30th, 2022.

“Deveron processed record volumes in our soil labs and collection network, as we continue to vertically integrate our services and soil testing ecosystem,” said David MacMillan, President, and CEO of Deveron. “The positive EBITDA and strong financial results validate our thesis and demonstrate the economic and agronomic value our platform has in the market. Our growing soil lab network provided a robust backbone for our record results as we continue to internalize our collected samples and onboard more clients into the vertical network. We continue to experience strong  tailwinds as growers increase their sampling  resolution, and more organizations such as fertilizer manufacturers, CPG companies, enterprise producers, and governments look to soil health to drive their yield improvements, supply chain and sustainability initiatives. As we roll into our busier seasons, we couldn’t be more excited as we look to drive record results and better farm outcomes for our clients in the coming months.”

About Deveron:Deveron is an agriculture technology company that uses data and insights to help farmers and large agriculture enterprises increase yields, reduce costs, and improve farm outcomes. The company employs a digital process that leverages data collected on farms across North  America  to  drive  unbiased  interpretation  of  production  decisions,  ultimately recommending how to optimize input use. Our team of agronomists and data scientists build products that recommend ways to manage fertilizer, seed, fungicide and other farm inputs better. Additionally, we have a national network of data technicians that are deployed to collect various types of farm data, from soil to drone, that build a basis of our best-in-class data layers. Our focus is the US and Canada where 1billionacresare activelyfarmedannually.

For more information and to join our community, please visit or reach us on Twitter @Deveron.

Phil Linton

VP Corporate Development Deveron Corp.

Tel: 647-622-0076

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Thisnewsreleaseincludescertainforwardlookingstatements”withinthemeaningofthatphraseunderCanadiansecuritieslaws.Withoutlimitation,statementsregardingfutureplansandobjectivesoftheCompanyareforwardlookingstatementsthatinvolvevariousdegreesofrisk.Forward-lookingstatementsreflectmanagement’scurrentviewswithrespecttopossiblefutureeventsandconditionsand,bytheirnature,arebasedonmanagement’sbeliefsandassumptionsandsubjecttoknownandunknownrisksanduncertainties,bothgeneralandspecifictotheCompany.AlthoughtheCompanybelievestheexpectationsexpressedinsuchforward-lookingstatementsarereasonable,suchstatementsarenotguaranteesoffutureperformanceand actualresultsor developmentsmaydiffermateriallyfromthoseinourforward-lookingstatements.ThefollowingareimportantfactorsthatcouldcausetheCompanysactualresultstodiffermateriallyfromthoseexpressedorimpliedbysuchforwardlookingstatements:changesintheworldwidepriceofagriculturalcommodities,generalmarketconditions,risksinherentinagriculture,theuncertaintyoffutureprofitabilityandtheuncertaintyofaccesstoadditionalcapital.Additionalinformationregardingthematerialfactorsand assumptionsthatwereappliedin makingtheseforwardlookingstatementsaswellasthevariousrisks anduncertaintieswefacearedescribedingreaterdetailinthe”RiskFactors”sectionofourannualandinterimManagement’sDiscussionandAnalysisofour financialresultsandothercontinuousdisclosuredocumentsandfinancialstatementswefilewiththeCanadiansecuritiesregulatoryauthoritieswhich TheCompanyundertakesnoobligation toupdatethisforward-lookinginformationexceptasrequiredbyapplicablelaw.TheCompanyreliesonlitigationprotectionforforward looking statements.

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